I close my eyes and let the image - my imagining - imprint on my mind. I am seeing without my eyes. I am painting from a palette of emotio

It was around this time of year in 2005 that I penned a short story called "November Garden". It's a story about two young si

Take a moment to observe the details around you in the existential twilight. Observe your outbound awareness and the sense of your physical

why ask why
What is the point of creating art?
For the afflicted among us, it's a rich and poisonous humor that transits between the gut, the heart

Mirrors Reflecting Faces : inspiration
I wrote a commemorative poem in elementary school for a Remembrance Day assembly back in - I don't know -1988? '89? that brought abo

Darkroom Insights: Understanding Color Temperature in Photography
The light is changing here in Southern Ontario. Sun rise is a bit later each morning and sunset a little earlier.

All Hallow's Eve
On the eve of All Saints Day, the veil is thinnest . . .

red fish blu phish
Home is not a thing that we can bring with us . . .

unruhiger apfel
Having a restless tendency alternately feels like a blessing and scourge, but there is a person who bridges the spaces between all of the wo

Welcome to the darkroom memoirs.
The space is small but there's room for a few comfortable chairs and a bottle of your favorite wine .